If you are searching for best paramedical college in Kushinagar , Padrauna you can visit City Institute of Paramedical College ,Pareshan .
Considered as the hands of the doctors, paramedical technicians and staff are an indispensable part of the hospital. From providing emergency services, to First Aid, to diagnosis, testing and ensuring proper safety and health of admitted patients, paramedical sciences is a broad category encompassing any and all kind of medical aid under the roof.
For people looking to make a difference by being a part of such a noble field of science is a social welfare on its own. The eligibility criteria for paramedical courses in Padrauna , Kushinagar.
Courses offered by CIPC
*Lab Technician
*Critical Care Technician
*Physiotherapy Technician
*Opration Theatre Technician
* Dialysis Technician
* Optometry Technician
* CMS & ED
* X-Ray & Imaging Technician
Paramedical college is running by Dr Niraj Gaur (MD) Pediatrics Ay. & Dr Preeti Gaur (MBBS) Fellow in Gyn.
Recognized by BSS Planning Commission Govt. of India